By Anonymous - 07/02/2014 18:51 - Mayotte - Mamoudzou

Today, I found a roach in my takeaway. I found it after I felt something hard in my mouth and spat pieces of it back out onto my plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 289
You deserved it 3 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did it come with a side order of Chicken Flied Lice, too? That would bug me.

Oh good lord...that's disgusting... Hope you can get a refund....


That is why wholesome, home-prepared food is the best!

It's seriously not that hard to realize that takeaways is the same as takeout. Away from the store or out of the store same shit guys. Why is everyone (Americans) so confused. It's like we're speaking a whole different language or something looking at the comments.

I can't think of a worse way to find a cockroach... my deepest sympathies.

YDI. You should have noticed it was there....

That is the most disgusting thing I've ever read. Honest to God. I'd probably go rinse my mouth out with acid & then shoot myself. Roaches are the most disgusting thing on this planet. I'd literally rather eat shit.

JustStella 28

Hmmm, interesting. In this game of "Would You Rather", I'd pick the roach in a heartbeat.

SoreJohnson 4

Were you the one who got shot at by the owner of the Chinese restaurant for the cockroach egg roll?

One time my mom bit into a burrito and got a mouth full of not only roach, but it's eggs as well.