By jaqlove - 02/07/2016 20:28 - United States - Clementon

Today, I woke up with a cockroach in my ear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 024
You deserved it 2 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should really go to the doctor to make sure it didn't lay any eggs in your ear canal!!

Alright. Well. Safe to say I'll be sleeping with something covering my ears tonight.


Alright. Well. Safe to say I'll be sleeping with something covering my ears tonight.

This is both the shortest and yet most terrifying FML I have ever read.

You should really go to the doctor to make sure it didn't lay any eggs in your ear canal!!

Nyattack 14

I would never have thought of that... Very creepy yet plausible. Kudos to you for thinking about that possibility and warning the OP !

Better get some Raid® and spray the **** outta them next time you see one. And sleep with headphones. Good music plus no cockroaches in your ear. Win-Win.

that is the most horrifying thing I've ever read.

I sleep with a stocking cap over my head so nothing like that ever happens

I woke up to a dead cockroach in my hair when I was 11. That's why I got a bunkbed yo

you know they climb or crawl, right?They can walk walls and even on Ceilings

hellobobismyname 24

I'd actually prefer that... You can easily wash out your mouth. It's gross but it's worse to have something alive crawling inside your ear that probably won't come out without force. You never know what it could be plotting. I never ever want to experience that. Yuck!

Was it whispering sweet nothings?

Guess you could call it an earroach.