By riptoofie - 16/01/2010 21:36 - United States

Today, I found my beloved hamster, Toofie. Toofie escaped from his cage. 4 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 998
You deserved it 4 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was he like, a hardcore, badass-looking wild hamster that doesn't afraid of anything?

To be blunt, how did you not smell Toofie rotting?


lauraaaa_fml 0

aww, i had a hamster named dribbles and he died 1 month and 4 days before he turned 3 years old:( i feel bad for you.

Obvioulsy your hampster is dead 'riptoofie' is your userhandle... but eh... Your FML isn't an FML... really, is it?

cwark 0

lol this fml is in the fml video

Miley_Virus 0

UR A ****** LIAR.Hamsters have life spans of two years.

u dumb a*** of course it was dead??? hellooo. he found the decayed body im guessing

bk_chick13 0

well that's just wat happens wen u name a hamster toofie lesson learned everyone

FMLiswhatisay 0

who the **** names their hamster toofie?!

ydi for having a hamster you poor dumbfuck