By riptoofie - 16/01/2010 21:36 - United States

Today, I found my beloved hamster, Toofie. Toofie escaped from his cage. 4 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 004
You deserved it 4 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was he like, a hardcore, badass-looking wild hamster that doesn't afraid of anything?

To be blunt, how did you not smell Toofie rotting?


alyssaisthebest 0

wow that sucks but don't you think you would have smelled him or her?

keyairia 0

wow. some people are stupid. hamsters don't die as soon as they run away. they do have that 'animal instinct' to survive. sheesh.

imtoast 0

i had a hamster that ran away like 3 years ago that i never found. i heard it crawling around in the heating vents and fall into the cellar, but i couldn't get him out. i'm sure he's dead by now because most hamsters live 3 years at the most, but idk, i never found him. OP probably wouldn't smell the dead body of Toofie because hamsters are so small that they don't give off very much scent and even if he cleaned his house all the time, it would be hard to find a hamster. they are tricky and can fit into very small spaces (like mine that got into the heating vents). OP, i'm seriously sorry.

Today, I found out my friend died in the Haiti earthquake. He was killed 5 days ago. Both his parents, and my parents knew. They didn't tell me until after I called to police to report him as a missing person. FML