By Anonymous - 18/10/2015 14:23 - United States - Marshall

Today, I found my daughter's fanfiction account. I need a new pair of eyes, or brain bleach, or both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 931
You deserved it 5 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to talk to your kid op, that stuff can get pretty graphic. Unless you believe she's old enough. Then ydi if she is.


starglow13 10

In reality, many people read and write fan fiction, so there's really not much to be concerned about. Unless it's hardcore smut (yet many of us have to admit that we've also read that...*cough*)

Quendolin 24

Wrong. What you need is probably a new daughter.

Does anyone else want some details as to why? I wanna hear what's SO terrible about it >:)

ok I just had to Google that up. lol I dunno, but damn I feel ancient

I should know better by now than to google unknown terms found on FML but geez #34, I couldn't stop myself looking up sounding and now I wish I hadn't. Whoever first said ignorance is bliss was a genius. Can I have some of that brain bleach OP?

Welcome to the internet, where you can find answers to every question you wanted answered... And answers to a billion questions you didn't.

#34's term means stuffing a tube up your penis with the goal of getting a bigger one in. I don't even have a sausage and it's aching from reading it. Thing is, I've read an erotica where the soundee was female... I cringed and moved on. I'm not up to BDSM.

#151 Ill stay here with my gentle furry ****... I did not want to know that.

Quendolin 24

But for real, don't be so judgemental, if she didn't write about anything morally reprehensible!

is it her plot or she writes that badly? If it's the former, YDI. If it's the latter, FYL

EspyPsyche 11

YDI for going through her stuff.

KryssLB 14

--Replied to the wrong comment, sorry.

KryssLB 14

And then accidentally kept reading long enough to need brain bleach? Accidentally, I'll buy. Kept going? YDI.