By Anonymous - 21/09/2010 22:07 - United States

Today, I found my favorite stuffed animal I had as a child in the trash bin. I took it out to find that it felt wet and smelt funny. Apparently, my younger brother cut a hole in the butt of it and used it to masturbate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 969
You deserved it 3 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh Jesus! This kid in my class did the sane thing in 6th grade, except all his friends walked in on him ******* it hahahah


tiftif567 0

yuck! poor stuffed animal though:(

Two reaction: 1, buy a god dam sec toy for your bro. 2, show his classmate and make the soft toy part of his unwanted memories! buahahaha. LOL

Two reaction: 1, buy a god dam sec toy for your bro. 2, show his classmate and make the soft toy part of his unwanted memories! buahahaha. LOL

These comments are disconcerting! The little guy needs a talking to, IOW's He needs a checkup from the neck up ASAP!! Plus a lesson in boundaries and what may happen if he crosses it again. If he doesn't respect tha boundary line you could always out him in front of his friends! Severe I know, but he has been warned!!

_RawrItsJenni_ 0

Ha anyone wanna text me?(; mssg me?

...seems like a warnin to pedobear... kids are fightin back XD

blko 0

omg WTF ur bro must be lonely u would find him a gf if I were u :P

blondie105 0