By Anonymous - 22/01/2010 18:33 - Sweden

Today, I found my mom throwing my very expensive and important medication down the toilet. She thought I was doing drugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 489
You deserved it 2 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AxCxDxDx 0

Wouldnt your mom know if you are on medication?

May I ask why your mom would throw out your meds without asking you first? Unless they are drugs hidden in Rx bottles in which case your mom just pwned your ass.


Isn't "very important medication" the sort of thing you tell your mother.

My assumption is that this person is an adult living with a parent, either permanently or briefly (i.e. this was over a break from school). When you're an adult, you do not tell your parents everything--including what disorders/diseases you have, what meds you are taking, etc. etc. etc. I'd also imagine it's not the first time that the OP's mother has done something like this. My sympathies.

sexpistol 0

hm, this is interesting. i wish OP would have mentioned which medication instead of keeping us all guessing! it's possible their mom is just crazy and over-reactive, or maybe OP has a history of drug use. maybe they didn't want to tell her about a condition (such as depression, anxiety, or even addiction) & seeing prescription pills, she tossed them out. OR it's even possible the medication wasn't in the proper bottles...that's possible. when i was growing up, i wasn't allowed to take aspirin or cough medicine or anything. she thought i would "abuse" it. one time my mom found some aspirin and freaked out, and threw it away.

Stupid ***** Mom. Read before you throw it away. Or even ask. xD

"Drugs are bad. You shouldn't do drugs, mmmkay?" says Mr Mackey. Then again, maybe going bat-shit crazy on your mom one time should teach her a lesson.

sweetpea129 0

ydi for not having good communication with your mom

hoppinau 0

if it was expensive medication wouldn't it stand to reason that it'd be in either a meds bottle and/or in a package of some sort so why would she think that you're on drugs? lying ass ******

EveryDayJackAss 0