By Nick - 23/08/2011 06:42 - United States

Today, I found my truck broken into. Whoever broke in ripped my dash apart, and the stupid idiot couldn't get the radio out. So now I have a trashed truck interior, and the moron has nothing to show for it. He did leave behind his Subway wrapper though. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 569
You deserved it 2 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He ate in your car....thats a little weird Maybe he was like "Well I can't get the radio out but I might as well eat while I'm here..."

If you first decide to steal, you are automatically a moron anyway...


mind_geek 15

What a d-bag. Karma will get him eventually. I. e. Being 'Bubba' in prison as someones 'girlfriend'.

Maybe it was an advertisement from subway lol. Like how they drop brands in movies?

Do some CSI shit nd analyze fingerprints/ saliva from the subway wrapper and catch the crook !

lionandthelamb61 9

Exactly, although I wouldn't call it karma. People that dumb don't stay free for long. My boyfriend has had his car broken into twice; the first time the guy did the same thing and unsuccessfully tried to pry the stereo from the dash, rendering it useless and ultimately leaving with little more than some change and some pens from his work apron. The second time, the guy succeded but shortly after posted the stereo on craigslist, where my boyfriend found it and arranged to meet him at his house where a few cop were waiting to arrest him. Don't worry OP, he'll get his, it's just a matter of when, not if.

Karma schmarma. It is called auto insurance.

n_epic_fail 14

well u have the truck right?? no FML karma will do it's job.

hisgirlherboy 5

stupid idiot is kinda redundant

If you first decide to steal, you are automatically a moron anyway...

leadman1989 15

Go, tell that to wall street, I'm sure they'll feel really moronic with their plundered billions.

He ate in your car....thats a little weird Maybe he was like "Well I can't get the radio out but I might as well eat while I'm here..."

" well I'm already here so might as well eat my sandwich now."

jdawg2010 0

"well that was hard. maybe i'll eat a sandwich now." the hell.?

denvan 0

Selfish punk didn't share his sub

lolololer 8

and he had a freaking footlong too. smh -_-

ramboman19 8

I got food poisoning way bad from Subway. Maybe wish the same on him??? Lol. Nahhh I wouldn't wish that on anyone. That sucks about your dash. At least the thief didn't get a hold of your radio lol. FYL

Op's face this morning is clearly in tune with my picture.

aFatFuck 0

And the thief's face is clearly in tune with my picture

hand the subway wrapper to the police to check for fingerprints.