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By Anonymous - 31/07/2014 17:28 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my cat tried to jump up to the window, and missed. This would have been hilarious if I had not been sleeping under that same window, and then caught him with my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 660
You deserved it 4 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Indianboy9321 25


Indianboy9321 25
cadillacgal79 32

This pun would've been better if you did "pain".

@5, it wouldn't be a pun if 2 used "pain". Pain and pane are homophones, which is why pane makes a pun. In my opinion, "pain" would ruin the pun. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

Since they're homophones, if you put your mind to it then you can see the play on words from either way. It's kind of like looking at that spinning dancer silhouette gif that spins right or left depending on how you focus.

Ugh, that spinning dancer gif drives me nuts, it's evil!

DeltaDragonxx 20

At least the cat always lands on its feet

That makes it worse. Claws to the face plus force of gravity.

toowie_fml 20

Not the recommended way or the most painless but you're right, it is a way. Guaranteed to cure the sleepy after-doze effect too!

Much better than an alarm clock because you can slam the snooze bar on an alarm clock.

That really sucks... Hope youre okay! But in the future, i suggest you sleep with the window closed..

Respect101 17

The window wasn't necessarily open, my cat always slept up on the window sill. (I'm not sure how to spell that sill, sorry)

toowie_fml 20

Yea my cats like sit up there to hide behind the curtains.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I say we take #9's fingers off at the first joint and see how they like it! Kidding...kind of. (That's what declawing is. You can't just remove the claw, it'll simply grow back). Causes a lot of cats lifelong pain and problems.

Show that pussy what happens when you try to jump up to a window, and fail.

At least you didn't catch him in a more sensitive area

I'm almost paws-itive that this would constitute kitty on kitty violence.

I'm picturing OP's cat as a Garfield look-a-like, who lazily hopped towards the window but wasn't quite able to swing his (or her) gut over the window sill and landed on the OP. I can't stop laughing :)..