By Brittney Anderson - 24/03/2019 14:00

Today, I found out I need to have emergency surgery, which is extremely convenient considering I'm literally supposed to be moving out of state in 2 days and my whole house is completely packed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 168
You deserved it 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope when they’re in there, they give you a literalectomy — a simple procedure where they remove your need to throw unnecessary “literallys” in your speech.


indienerdgirl 27

That sucks but taking care of your health is way more important. I hope you have people that can help you recover and help with your belongings.

I hope when they’re in there, they give you a literalectomy — a simple procedure where they remove your need to throw unnecessary “literallys” in your speech.

BigSissy 14

I think half of America could use one of those.

Mungolikecandy 19

In my experience, emergency surgery is inconvenient no matter the circumstances.

Be thankful they caught whatever needed being caught & are able to do the surgery. That said, I’m sure you are but are worried enough as anyone would be. Will be praying for a quick recovery. Shalom.

Something like this happened to my parents in 1966, when I was four. Two days before we were supposed to move across country, my baby sister died of SIDS.