By Anonymous - 23/09/2018 17:30

Today, my dad's new medicine for his bad intestines makes him fart so hard I can feel the vibrations through the floorboards. The whole house smells like an open sewer and he thinks it's funny. He now has to change his undies several times a day from repeatedly shitting himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 029
You deserved it 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He needs a warning sign: Welcome to the gas chambers

Mungolikecandy 19

If this new medicine is causing significant incidents of incontinence it does not sound like it is working.


He needs a warning sign: Welcome to the gas chambers

At least your dad has a sense of humor about his disease. They say laughter is the best medicine — it’s certainly better than the one that’s causing him to shit his pants. Pro-tip: head to a surplus store for a gas mask. One each day and he has no more problems

Yeah, that doesn’t work for many Gastro issues and cab actually be very dangerous for long term use with certain conditions. I would also imagine otc meds were tried first.

I think this is more of an FML for Dad. At least he sees the bright side of this and thinks it's hilarious--which it totally is.

Justin Allan Bannister 9
Mungolikecandy 19

If this new medicine is causing significant incidents of incontinence it does not sound like it is working.

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

I think your dad needs to tell his doctor that the meds are doing this. It’s not a normal side effect.

sounds like a shitty person to me maybe you should dutch oven his ass