By adamwilcockson - 18/09/2014 04:05 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I found out I'm allergic to bug repellent. So instead of having a couple of itchy bug bites, my skin feels like it's on fire and is violently itchy everywhere the repellent has touched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 876
You deserved it 2 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

His skin feels like it's on fire. How is that the bright side? I'd rather be itchy from bug bites


If you keep scratching, your skin is going to turn a delicious maple red color, resembling bacon. More bugs will come.

I used to be allergic to bug repellent too :( luckily I grew out of it, sorry you have to go through it...possibly try those clip-on repellents so you can just pin it to your clothes?

Agreed^ Benadryl should help calm that reaction right down and make you feel better pretty fast. Warning though, Benadryl can make a lot of people drowsy and knock them out for awhile, but in your case that's probably a plus. I think I would always keep Benadryl on hand too because if you're allergic to one thing chances are you're allergic to other things. You may always want to test things in a small area first if you're prone to allergies. Good luck OP.

Well that aught to drvie you up the wall. Hope this outbreak doesn't last long OP take some benadryl and you should be ok!

Avon's skin so soft body wash doubles as bug repellent, maybe give that a shot when you're feelin brave?

katydid91 31

Try taking a cool bath, it will soothe that itching if Benadryl doesn't work right away! Avoid warm or hot showers until the reaction has calmed down considerably as heat can make your itching start up again or make it even worse than it is now!

You're probably allergic to DEET. They make DEET free insect repellent for people with your condition. For future reference.