By NikkiiFireStarter - 20/10/2009 10:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out my 10 year old step-brother has an obsession with fire, after he burnt all the belongings in my room, including an £600 guitar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 110
You deserved it 2 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He burnt *all* the belongings in your room? Question is, how did a 10 year old have free reign to burn that much stuff without anyone from the family being around to stop him, or without setting off a smoke alarm or anything?

kaiserwihelm 0

Wow dude I would beat the shit out of that kid burning a ****** expensive guitar stupid little shit


Beat his ass, or better yet, burn him. If someone did that to my guitar I would beat the crap out of them.

light his eyebrows on fire!!!!! or his pubes....if he has any

by the way, he didn't spend $600 but £600, which's about $935.

LoveMeHateMe_BBG 0

I believe people like that are referred as pyromaniacs

Ydi for writing "an 600 guitar" instead of a or my...

funny_girly1 0

Pimp slap that kid upside the face. Did anybody teach him fire is bad? Guess not.