By caitlinz5 - 18/04/2012 16:55 - United States - Williston Park

Today, I found out my boyfriend and I have more in common than I thought. We both are sexually attracted to men. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 333
You deserved it 3 879

caitlinz5 tells us more.

caitlinz5 2

I know the thread's finished, but the person that started it and a few others should be ashamed of themselves. There's NOTHING wrong or unnatural about non heterosexuals, so take your bigotry some place else! I'm upset because my boyfriend doesn't feel anything for me romantically. That's it. FML team said it all.

Top comments

I see Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston starring in this one.

Well at least you have something in common!


Lol awww I'm sorry but this made me laugh

FalconWhitaker 20

It's sad when somebody you care about doesn't feel the same way about you :( I'm sorry, OP.

Oh you poor thing. No it's not cause of you. It's him. Still sucks.

carsonphillips 7

So what? Unless you caught him with another guy, there's no reason why your life is ******. He probably didn't tell you because he figured you'd react the way you did.

holdenthemonkey 3

At least he can help you pick out a new boyfriend.

Lool! I didn't see that coming, great way of putting it.

I don't know how to rate this one. Did you catch him with another man or learn he's having an affair? Then your life sucks. Did he just come out to you as bisexual? Then get the hell over it. He can't help who he's attracted to and he's WITH YOU!!

JodeMiVida 13

I'm sorry but have some sympathy for the OP. Obviously it's difficult for the guy coming out and all, but she's obviously devestated the man she is in love with is not the slightest bit attracted to her. There is nothing in her post that says she is intolerant.

So....both my bf and i are bicurious...imo its sort of more fun that way

Just because he likes men doesn't necessarily mean that he still doesn't like you and want to be with you. I'm bisexual, and find both males and females sexually attractive, but that doesn't mean I don't love my girlfriend. Talk to him, it may turn out better for you than you think if you play your cards right ;D

And surprise! You have a crush on the same man. This could work out for you in the end.