By TheThirdWheel - 04/06/2013 19:11 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, I found out my boyfriend is bringing his friends on our trip. I'm now the third wheel on the romantic trip we've planned for a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 439
You deserved it 4 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Noah, you said "friends. " That makes you the spare tire that they keep locked up in the trunk! Have words with your boyfriend if you want anything to be done about this.

michaelm1290 23

I can hear your frat boy boyfriend already: "bros before hoes"


I think your better off leaving him if this keeps happening...

perdix 29

Bukkake parties can be romantic.

especially if the guys ate pineapple sweet! ^_~

perdix 29

#42, "Do you like penis coladas? Gettin' caught in the 'rain?'"

indeed i do!! and long island iced D's! what can i say, i like to imbibe! ;) and its more like getting caught in the 'snow'! Ooh!

and you got that goddamn song stuck in my head! ^_~

That's not cool. As a guy I can admit... We are stupid at times. I'd just sit him down and explain it to him. It may be nothing personal against his friend but it's about you two and spending that time together. And if all else fails, just tell him if his friends going you aren't.

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends" Son of a Bitch! Did your boyfriend steal the "Girl Power" song? Maybe you didn't make it clear enough that you wanted it to be a romantic get away. It sounds like it was a trip you were BOTH planning so he should have a say in it. Hey, it might not be so bad. I love going on group vacations with our friends. It's like a giant party! As long as there's some scheduled alone time and I'm not ignored-- it's all good.

But she didn't say "our friends", she said "his friends" which leads me to believe that she either doesn't like them or doesn't know them very well. And I don't think being stuck tagging along while your boyfriend has fun with his friends sounds like a good vacation...

Sounds like a big misunderstanding....guys don't normally pick up on romantic idea of the trip, sounds like he just thought its a normal trip. Talk within and let him know you had plans for just the two of you. If he doesn't listen then, leave him, and take your friends to Vegas.

My brother does that with his girlfriend but that's because she drives him insane if left alone too long, and she invites herself to everything anyway. Maybe it's a similar case with you, op? That or he's just a dick and can't work out what a romantic holiday is.

If she drives him insane when they are alone together then why are they still together? That seems weird to me.

CharresBarkrey 15

The whole point of being with someone is because you LIKE being with them. Your brother sounds stupid.

He is. He's just in it for the sex. We can't work out why.

If you aren't happy with something in a relationship, discuss it. If he doesn't get or care why you feel the way that you do after you talk to him about it, you can either let him go with just his friend or go what others are saying and take one if your own. But if you don't try talking to him about it, you have no one to blame but yourself for not being happy with the situation. Sometimes our other halves don't think and do something that should be considered a no brainer. We have to speak up when it happens. If he knows how you feel and doesn't care, there is probably more going on.