By TheThirdWheel - 04/06/2013 19:11 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, I found out my boyfriend is bringing his friends on our trip. I'm now the third wheel on the romantic trip we've planned for a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 439
You deserved it 4 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Noah, you said "friends. " That makes you the spare tire that they keep locked up in the trunk! Have words with your boyfriend if you want anything to be done about this.

michaelm1290 23

I can hear your frat boy boyfriend already: "bros before hoes"


I think it's time for a new boyfriend!

Nolimit2217 32

Time to wonder if he is swinging both ways..

dantee2005 33

That really sucks. Feel Sorry for u

I haven't even read previous comments. But If you think your life is ****** because of his friends, call it quits now or bring yours and make a couples weekend. I can't stand clingy insecure women. Everything isn't fairy tales and movies... Some times it's just a weekend off work at the cottage. STFU and enjoy it. So sorry you have to **** quiet...

She's been planning this with her boyfriend for over year and just because she isn't happy that his friends are coming along that makes her 'clingy'? Come on. Anyone would be at least annoyed about that.

Woa.... I would be seeing RED if my husband did that. I would tell him to go and f***k himself and go with his friends without you. Keeping the romance alive in your relationship obviously means very little to him.

That's so messed up. Talk to him and tell him it was supposed to be a romantic trip.

nina21194 12

Your life sucks for that but YDI for not speaking up.

What a jerk! If you had been planning it that long he must have known - he must be all kinds of stupid.

I would have just said ummm nope this ***** not flying either im going on this trip with you and only u or I go alone

Should have stayed home. He won't know you mind if you just let it happen.