By TheThirdWheel - 04/06/2013 19:11 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, I found out my boyfriend is bringing his friends on our trip. I'm now the third wheel on the romantic trip we've planned for a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 439
You deserved it 4 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Noah, you said "friends. " That makes you the spare tire that they keep locked up in the trunk! Have words with your boyfriend if you want anything to be done about this.

michaelm1290 23

I can hear your frat boy boyfriend already: "bros before hoes"


Bring a couple of girl friends that he doesn't like as a payback :)

OR bring friends they both like and just have a fun vacation.

Draw the line. Especially if you are financially committed to this trip.

He's probably just scared to be alone with you.

A year they've been planning the trip means at least a year they have been a couple. I'm pretty sure he isn't scared to "be alone with her"

Tell him that a romantic getaway means he has to do romantic stuff with the friends as well. He has to take them out on dates and sleep with them. Then maybe he'll re-think the whole thing.

Do the same to him and invite your girlfriends on the next date he plans.

Swimgal333 0

Wow that stinks for u just u gotta do what u gotta do break up with him

jem970 19

That is a really big jump to take dear. "Hey we have been planning a trip together for a year I don't think we should have a mature and ADULT conversation to clear up the situation, oh no! I am just going to dump you!" Get off the dump-him band wagon, its not a fun ride if thats how you fix all your relationship problems.

middlenamefrank 8

Tell him to forget it. Why do you not think you can say something? It's your trip too!

allisadawn91 8

And you didn't tell him there is no way in hell they're coming?


Exactly. My girlfriend would kick my ass if I tried something so pigheaded.