By TheThirdWheel - 04/06/2013 19:11 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, I found out my boyfriend is bringing his friends on our trip. I'm now the third wheel on the romantic trip we've planned for a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 422
You deserved it 4 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Noah, you said "friends. " That makes you the spare tire that they keep locked up in the trunk! Have words with your boyfriend if you want anything to be done about this.

michaelm1290 23

I can hear your frat boy boyfriend already: "bros before hoes"


avapaige1234 19

Trust me, I've watched several videos that has the same situation as this one.

red61977 9

You deserve it for not speaking up and standing up for yourself.

lizmurray 11

dont be a third wheel bring some of your friends and have like a girls week

lizmurray 11

dont be a third wheel bring your friends and have a girls week

Kc1001 14

Make things awkward and make out with him in front of everybody. then say, "Oh, sorry babe. I thought this was OUR time together!" then have a good loud talk with him.

Mami1996 6

Techincally its supposed to be the other way around. The friends are supposed to feel like a third wheel cayse they are the ones intruding. they should have said no to going. invited or not.

Douchy boyfriend and douchy friends. I would have never agreed to crash somebody's couple's vacation but hey, decency is dead, I guess. Cancel the vacation on his cost and use the money to do something nice for yourself!