By FMLintheanus - 27/05/2015 04:29 - United States - Crown Point

Today, I found out my dog's new favorite game to play: "If you don't stop petting me, I'll bite your balls as hard as I can." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 614
You deserved it 3 991

FMLintheanus tells us more.

My dog is actually a female and I got her a muzzle this morning so that when she misbehaves she can be disciplined. haha but that would be an amazing idea if my dog were a male!

Top comments

So, you tell him you're going to the park, put him in the car, and then take him to the vet and have his balls cut off. He'll never see it coming.

SharnaaaBanana 22

Maybe he was simply trying to return the favour... A little too aggressively ;)


I think that's when you learn exactly how much petting he likes

That's probably a serious dominance issue. Try using submission techniques on him to show that you are the boss!

This. I think he will puncture something soon.

So, you tell him you're going to the park, put him in the car, and then take him to the vet and have his balls cut off. He'll never see it coming.

My goodness, that's exactly what my parents did to me when I was younger!

thatonetribute 31

My dog is actually a female and I got her a muzzle this morning so that when she misbehaves she can be disciplined. haha but that would be an amazing idea if my dog were a male!

Muzzles are not for discipline! Please do not punish your dog for aggressive behaviour, it often makes it worse! Take your dog to a veterinary behaviourist asap to help you manage the problem, and please do some research yourself into dog body language. I bet she gave you plenty of signs before she bit.

I bet you're one of those people who say we shouldn't discipline children either??

make sure you use the cone of shame too. thats what i do with my dog when she misbehaves along with the muzzle. primarily when she barks because she just wont shut up and barks at everything!! good luck and hopefully she doesn't do it again OP

Rawrshi 25

I feel sorry for any of your pets if you use muzzles and cones as discipline to correct a behavior. They don't correlate their actions with your reaction at all. Muzzles and cones are not disciplinary tools. They're preventative measures which can cause even more aggression based on fear when used incorrectly (which you are). Learn how to reinforce positive behavior and train a dog properly instead of resorting to petty bullshit because you're too lazy to do things properly. Correcting a dog is one thing if done correctly - retaliating against one instead of calmly figuring out why the animal behaves that way (hint: it's you) and solving the problem just makes you a bully.

My father and I trained three dogs using a cone a muzzle bacon and our hands. If they misbehaved, cone of shame, if they snapped alot, muzzle and submission. If they didn't obey smack on the snout. If they did good, bacon.

#67 and #73 are right. pets don't respond or give warning signs of discomfort, fear, etc in the same way humans do. learn to understand your pet before you jump into cones and muzzles. body language is vital. it ranges from "omg I love you please pet me" to "don't even breathe near me" and figuring out which signals mean what is very important in keeping both you and your little furry one happy.

Rawrshi 25

#75 - So you didn't train the dogs. You forced them into a behavior you wanted using stress and your warped sense of "correction". Aka... abuse. Good job.

RockRoyalty92 12

OP, punishment training is NEVER the way to go. It is scientifically proven that positive training goes much further than negative. Plus, muzzles are very dangerous. Pay attention to the signs that your dog gives you when you're around, make sure she understands that you are the boss. It sounds to me that she thinks she is the boss, or that you are trying to make her into a cuddly dog when she is an independent dog. I highly suggest you speak to a behaviorist or a trainer before you start punishing her. All that will do is make her afraid of you and probably make the behavior escalate. I have never hit my dog in the many years I have had her, and she is VERY well behaved.

I'm all for punishing dogs when they do the wrong thing. It's just that whilst muzzles prevent biting they don't address the underlying reason! Aggression always has an underlying cause and without addressing it all you're doing is fixing a hole in an aeroplane with duct tape : it's ineffective and doesn't fix the problem. Also physically punishing the dog for showing aggression can lead to the aggression getting worse or redirection to others. Aggression can be managed, but it takes time and effort and someone who knows what they are doing. Aggression needs to be properly managed, not just band aid fixes. If the muzzle is for punishment then when she's aggressive he's got approximately three seconds to get it on her for her to link the muzzle as being punishment for the behaviour. Any longer and the dog doesn't understand the link between the action and the consequence. Please do your research into dog training, aggression and punishment before saying rude and ignorant things.

lane1569 5

That's not abuse. Abuse is shooting it with a .22 LR if it misbehaved.

#73 It honestly depends on the dog and the situation if cones or muzzles work. Every dog is different just like every human. Which brings me to my next point, it may not be OP's fault. Maybe you're right and that OP didn't train his dog properly but there could also be other problems with the dog such as a mental disorder because, yes, animals may have them. So don't just assume it is OP's fault

Rawrshi 25

#85 - I am not denying that they can be very useful tools when used correctly. However, "the dog bit me so I'm going to punish it by forcing it to wear a muzzle - HA, that'll show them" attitude that OP is displaying says that they have no intention of using the muzzle properly. Their intent is retaliation. Not working with the dog to figure out why it has that behavior to solve the issue. It's a psychologically harmful and overall temporary fix to something that can become a fatal behavioral issue for the dog or other beings. As for mental, I understand some dogs do have mental issues which make them aggressive without an obvious reason and often unpredictably. Yet based on how OP worded their message it seems like they're not particularly thoughtful of solving the issue and would rather punish the dog for a mistake that OP very likely made in her training. It doesn't seem like a neurological issue at all. Just a bad owner issue.

Rawrshi 25

Also, considering OP continues to forcibly pet an animal which has clearly displayed they do not enjoy the contact... it's pretty obvious who is at fault.

Now, I'm positive I will receive down votes for this BUT! Those saying that physical punishment is wrong for dogs, do you forget dogs are naturally strong, tough, pack animals (typically the larger dogs are more tough - obviously) and the way they show dominance and discipline amongst themselves is through physical force. Dogs can withstand a lot stronger physical discipline than us humans. Now, I don't go out and attack my dogs when they do something wrong - going crazy on the dogs is NOT the answer but a little smack and a stern 'no' has always worked for me. I can also guarantee my dogs behave themselves and are happy, healthy and are in a loving home. They are not afraid of me at all. Now I will sit here and wait for the down votes and comments saying I'm doing the wrong thing.

lilybadilly25 15

Muzzles won't teach her that biting is bad… it will keep her from biting, yes. But it won't /teach/ her. What she needs is training. Positive reinforcement methods are the best way to go for a number of reasons. 1.) using treats will actually motivate her to listen to you, where sticking a muzzle on her will deter her from wanting to listen to you.. 2.) it will force her to figure out what's right on her own instead of being "blocked" from doing what's wrong. 3.) she needs a "this is what you should do instead" behavior in place of the biting. Dogs really do aim to please is. And training always works best if you give them an alternative. I.e. Instead of jumping, sit to be greeted. Instead of biting, maybe have her sit and look at you.

Give a quick smack on the nose and sharp loud angry sounding no! It's what I do with my cats. I will also smack them on the butt. They get disciplined for scratching or biting when they do it out of spite. My youngest he's a male and he liked to rabbit kick my forearm at night while cuddling my hand and bite me. He got a smack every time for it and then I found this toy to redirect his behaviour towards and it stopped. He'll bite me at night if I stop petting him so I smack him where ever I'm touching him and say no.

jew_lala 11

You can correct the behaviour using a muzzle so your not being bitten. If your not a dog trainer it's going to be easier for you to be confident that you can do corrections without loosing your balls... Just sayin!

You will end up with a more aggressive dog in the long term. If you develop your leadership and teach the dog that things only happen in your terms, and your dog didn't rule the roost, so to speak, you likely would never have had those problems in the first place. Remember, only very poor leaders need to resort to methods of violence to maintain power and control!

I don't know why you all are so quick to jump down OP's throat.....

If she's barking and stuff, you should try using a vibrating collar. It doesn't hurt the animals, it just startles them when they bark apparently. I haven't tried this on my dogs yet, but apparently it's a very good method.

SharnaaaBanana 22

Maybe he was simply trying to return the favour... A little too aggressively ;)

You have a dog who doesn't want to be pet? It could be injured and it's a sensitive area. That or you worded this wrong and, like most dogs, it doesn't like when you stop.

Looks like some training is required! ...or invest in a cup.

Sounds like a cat. OP are you sure that you don't have a cat?

You might want to wear some protection for your chew toy.

CharlesEmersonW 31

I have a bit of experience with dogs and can say that they tend to bite if they are hurting. Did your dog have a bruise or something that maybe you didn't know about or see? Or was he giving off signs that he didn't really like you petting him? Good luck with the dog dude.