By Noname - 15/03/2009 03:56 - United States
Same thing different taste
Taking a stand
By vampyrate3562 - 29/01/2015 12:56 - United Kingdom
Don't tread on me
By Kate - 23/04/2009 14:09 - United States
Beep beep beep
By chloe - 29/06/2009 09:44 - Australia
By CrimsonAmaryllis - 01/04/2013 16:37 - United Kingdom - Bristol
By Anonymous - 15/01/2015 11:35 - Australia
By Anonymous - 21/07/2011 10:43 - Australia
Get back here
By hahahano - 24/12/2010 22:32 - United States
By anonymous - 22/04/2011 10:50
By bkeiya - 08/04/2009 12:49 - Japan
Look out!
By station - 05/05/2009 05:10 - United States
Top comments
tk begs fml
...if you could only get your leg in and not the rest of your body, why would you even attempt this?
@#2: Depends on the type of train i guess, most traindoors here open again if something gets stuck between em (safety). Else the OP could have thought (s)he could push open the doors but turned out to be a weakling (OWNED!!) Either way, you deserved it! Learn to be one time.
#3. I still wouldn't risk it. Can you imagine if it didn't stop? I can just see the OP getting dragged by the leg on a train...X_X *Ouch* But good call. Learn to be on time!
Deserved. How many times do conductors on trains tell you not to stick things between the doors (particularly body parts)?
You can't always be on time, and here the train doors always reopen. Totally what any motivated person would do. And in the end OP did got on the train now didn't he? I've had plenty of times I had to pull open the subway doors, even let my friends in, as they just keep trying to close (but any man can pull 'em open).
I bet you people above have done the same or a similar thing once too, so it aint that deep.
Wow you guys suck. The conductor could have easily re-opened the door instead of waiting for two minutes and making the OP look like an idiot. And "be on time"? He/She was on time. The OP got to the train before it left. He/She had one leg in and would have gotten all the way in had the conductor not been a jerk.
I completely agree with #9, the conductor should have just opened the door and continued on his way. SImple as that. No need to make a rough situation even rougher... No respect I tell ya!

I hate people like you. If you're about to be late, you're making the rest of us late too.
Deserved. How many times do conductors on trains tell you not to stick things between the doors (particularly body parts)?