By Anonymous - 25/12/2009 00:18 - United States

Today, I found out my grandpa died. As I rushed home crying to comfort my parents, I got pulled over for speeding. The officer told me to cut out the "fake" tears". When I told him my grandpa just died he tacked on another $100 for lying to an officer. Worst. Christmas. Ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 334
You deserved it 3 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

russianspy1234 11

so go to appeals court with the death certificate and at least get the 100 taken off

Except... you don't get fined for lying to an officer simply BECAUSE they can't know what's a lie and what isn't.


livennj 0

There is no such thing as a law for lying to a cop in the U.S. The only time you can get jammed up for lying is when you are under oath, it's called perjury. But the cop is right. You are a liar, you made this story up.

xxreikoxx 31

You heartless little...go play in traffic. Oh, and let us know when someone in your family dies so we can call BS on your FML, too.

No1likesMe 0

I'm so sorry i hope ur xmas gets bettr... ur grandpa is probly watchin u dont feel too bad my cat just died i know its not the same but i know its sad i was devestated and that wuz just a cat so keep ur chin up. good luck. the cop should go to hell

im sorry that's messed up but listen catch that cop off the job and rip him up

efd1225 0

actually you can be charged with lying to a police officer, but its an arrestable offense, meaning you would be arrested, not issued a citation or a fine, thus proving that the story is bullshit.

itsalmost3am 0

Well what you can do is contest the ticket and then produce your grandfathers death certificate.

to 69, there is no traffic charge for lying - correct; however, it IS a criminal offense to knowingly give a false statement to a police officer. remember balloon boy's parents? they just got convicted of it!

The__Redneck 7

Don't just take it to court. Take it to the press. Give the TV station and the local newspaper a call--and make sure you spell ossifer's name right!

melisa1211 0

maybe you can fight the ticket. Right a letter to the people and you shouldnt have to pay it. My mom would sometimes get tickets for double parking my mom would blame it on a low blood sugar problem and that she had to rush in to get food. She got out of it by sending a letter stating it.