By wdavi022 - 05/01/2011 09:01

Today, I found out my identity was stolen. The person got credit cards in my name and didn't pay the bills, which has ruined my near perfect credit. The worst part about all of this is that I can't turn the person in. It's my mom, and sending her to jail wouldn't really work out for anyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 478
You deserved it 5 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

da_baddest_bitch 0

thats probably why she does what she does. If we didnt have consequences for breaking the law do you really think people would follow them as much as we do now?


Listen, I know you love her and I know it's hard on you to report your mother to the police, but that's not what this is all about. She has broken the law, and turning her in would be the right thing to do. As she taught you, there are consequences to your acions. Do the right thing, OP. Turn her in.

my older sister did something similar to me. seriously though, turn her in. if she gets away with it not only will she be more likely to do it again, but no parent should get away with screwing over their children from their own gain. My sister didn't even get any consequences but at least I had the debt removed from my name