By badadvise - 23/03/2012 04:05 - Mexico - Guadalajara

Today, I found out my marriage counselor is currently going through her second divorce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 298
You deserved it 2 585

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

So, is she hot? Maybe you can nail her. That way, she'll take your side in your disputes with your wife. I'm thinking win-win!

MissHayleyJames 7

And your point would be? Any marriage counselor will tell you that not all marriages can be fixed and there's always a point where you should leave. No marriage counselor will tell you they can fix your marriage, only that they'll try, but some can't be fixed. Get over it.

MissHayleyJames 7

It might be ironic but it doesn't mean the counselor doesn't know what she's doing. If her ex-husbands weren't willing to work on things then of course those marriages failed. Or if one ex-husband beat her or cheated on her or beat their kids then there's no reason for her to stay.

Ha, after I read that I pictured a lady trying to have a counseling session with herself XD

Birdie_Sage 0

Better to have loved and lost than to have stayed with that asshole for the rest of your life.

Bored_18 3

It does not mean she doesn't know what she is speaking about, but most likely doesn't preach what she teaches. Someone can know everything about their profession and still give useful advice, but it does not mean they follow their one advice. However, that will make people wonder about the advice said person gives.

A good marriage counselor doesn't just save marriages... they should also be able to tell you if you shouldn't stay married and then guide and support you through that process. Also, you don't know what circumstances brought on one, or either, of the divorces. Like someone said, if she is helping YOUR situation, don't worry so much about hers.

shrdlu 28

This shows the counselor has experience with less-than-perfect relationships. Would you want a marriage counselor that had never experienced any problems in her own marriage?

bleedwell 7

Sounds like money wasted to me.

KiddNYC1O 20