By makdra - 06/01/2016 18:01

Today, I found out my mom can't wait until I turn 18, so she can kick me out and turn my room into a huge closet for all her clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 269
You deserved it 2 035

Same thing different taste

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I hate parents with the mindset of kicking you out when you turn 18. That's the most ****** up thing a parent can do. Most people aren't finically stable at 18 and need help before they get out.

Yikes, I really hope she doesn't get impatient and start converting your room. It's terrible when parents' beliefs force their children to live in the closet.


Im doing same thing to my kid y cause she dont want college, job, or military but wants to continue to party come in sleep all day all on my dime. Ppl quick blame parent sometimes these kids have sense entitlement. I was working at 16 and saving my money. Parent would help me get a place help me pay first couple months and i still come over do laundry. Mostly because i showed initiative and some independence.

If OP was getting kicked out for being a lazy sack, I doubt mom's justification would be "closet" so much as "get your freeloading butt out of my house."

Don't feel bad :| my mom decided that even though I was 19, still living with her, that the day I met my husband, she kicked me out and turned my room into a smoking room because sitting near a window or going outside was too much work. When she found out that I had no where to go, she put me in the hot, stuffy, with no ventilation attic. Ended up with bronchitis and she yelled at me for being a ***** ._. ok then mom.

corky1992 33

Hope you have nothing to do with her after that! Sorry you had to deal with that.

Such parenting sucks. A person should have responsibility towards their kids, and if they are not in a condition to handle themselves financially, they should help their kids to at least get a job to cover their expenses and pay the rent.

I just turned 18... Thank God my parents don't have that mindset.

going to be 18 this year I'm glad my room is so big lol but my parents are not letting me move out even though while I was small they say that they will kick me out when I'm 18 for an office for them but

wow. I'm truly sorry you have to hear that from your mom when that's the person who's suppose to support you the most. Work you ass of, make money and leave before you turn 18 to see what she's gonna do ;)

Yo i got an idea. Tell your mom that you cant wait till dies so you can turn her house into a closet for your cloths

well at least she told you that early ,some people get the surprised * stop mooching off us* when they're 18 so now just plan it out make it work?

moo77_fml 20

I'm sure she's only kidding!! I used to say that to my lad, however he knew I was joking... His now 18 and at uni and I miss him like crazy!! Again he knows that !!!