By sonofanut - 22/02/2012 03:14 - United States

Today, I found out my mom has been stealing from me to pay for Scientology courses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 180
You deserved it 2 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_Troller 14

Calling it a religion is a bit of a stretch.


Divorcing his mother is a little bit hasty. They should try couples counselling first.

I didn't know that sons and mothers could get married :o

2 explanations: 1. Random crazy incest marriage that isn't even legal. 2. This dumbass read the FML wrong.

ThecomingofTan 9

I used to believe in Scientology, until I took a financial pyramid scheme disguised as a religion to the knee.

bubo_fml 10

Sell her a carnation for a $100.00, saying you've joined the Hare Krishnas.

All religions are ******* stupid. Follow her in there one day and bomb the place. Anyone stupid enough to believe that shit deserves to die. You'll be doing the sane world a favour

While I think that people should have a choice to what religions they believe in. I think that it's stupid that the mother has to steal money in order to afford her religion. Two thing which I believe are wrong...

Thats the point of it. Mindfuck + steal of you money

Could be worse, could be Pastafarian courses.

Did she blame it on the aliens that took over her mind?

thiscrazything 1

People have been steeling (and doing a whole lot of worse things) in the name of religious for thousands of years. Maybe OP should hide his/her money.

perdix 29

That gives me an idea! I'm sure my kid won't mind not going to college if her dad gets to hang with John Travolta & Kirstie Alley! What a great religion where our sermons are "Welcome Back, Kotter" and "Cheers" re-runs!

c_tuck 0

Lmao! Once again, love the comments!