By fatteningmeup - 26/05/2011 14:24 - United States

Today, I found out my mom intentionally puts extra butter and oil in the food she cooks for me because she wants me to be fatter than her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 441
You deserved it 3 799

Same thing different taste


KennKenn 0

Well, she better be less than 200 pounds, cause thats messed up.

InfamousRaider 15

Well your not gonna gain a whole lot of weight unless you eat butter and oil as a replacement for food.

Commas, they are needed. Either you mean your child should eat or your commanding someone to eat your child. The second one sounds more adventurous

KVKdragon 26

does that count as child abuse if you're overindulging a child like that? seriously? no one came up with a charge like that after we saw videos of the fattest child in the world? no hate intended but some parents really need to get a reality check on the health and welfare of their children. no jail or anything too severe but how about a fine and mandatory parenting classes or something of the sort ?

monnanon 13

Im sure I heard somewhere about them wanting to bring a law like that in which makes over indulgence of a child tantamunt to neglect, it may just have been in the UK. I imagine that would be in extreme cases where the kids are in real danger. Apparently Britain has decided that anyone under the age of thirty doesn't know how to cook and thats why all the kids are fat and they have now got all the goody two shoe chefs they can find on the band wagon and started classes for mothers to learn to cook which is all well and good but they tar us all with the same brush. Op's case is very different from the cases where a mother didn't know any better about nutrition and is definately a form of abuse regardless of whether or not it is prosecutable yet.

saturnsonic 3

so are you still gonna eat your moms food? im just wondering because i love BBW's ;-)

Your mom needs some help. She should see a Psychiatrist.

BrittanyPernell6 0

so start slipping her x lax so she can get that figure she wants

G6chick 0

Actually laxatives don't rly help

foolishstoner 0

WTF! How ruthless. haha. Eat up! (: