By Motionless - 26/05/2011 09:55 - United States

By Motionless - 26/05/2011 09:55 - United States
By sixsix - 24/12/2008 11:19 - France
By Isuckreallybad - 06/02/2021 21:30 - United States
By conductingfromthegrave - 01/07/2009 05:18 - United States
By fml1977 - 04/03/2010 06:43 - United States
By ryan - 10/02/2010 15:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/03/2020 01:00
By pathetic - 20/08/2010 09:51 - United States
By asdfasdf - 24/01/2009 15:14 - Canada
By Anonymoys - 06/04/2021 23:30 - United Kingdom
By rawdoglyfe69 - 17/04/2013 06:14 - United States - Helena
your lucky, wait until she reaches for the remote control and turns the TV on. it's then that you know for sure your bad.
lol 12 my friend Morghan is as they say "a dead horse" she won't move or do anything to a guy during sex. she says it's cause she was "muslce problems" but she makes it up. I'd still **** her though...she's so hot..
I am genuinely concerned as to how a woman can lay there and just take it? The fun of it is getting amongst it, team work, it's not a one sided job!
Try deflating her and then blowing her back up. :)
and boom goes the dynamite.
tosh.o reference ftw!
I agree with 19, how do you not then stop and have a conversation with your partner about how you each feel about your joint sex lives. Obviously OP you feel unhappy with her lack of participation. instead of just going at it anyway, why don't you try and work with your girlfriend about what she wants so you BOTH enjoy sex. Communication is essential for all facets of a relationship.
That is freaking hilarious!
She is probably unattracted to you and can't keep herself interested or turned on.
Time to lay the spices on the bed.
69 You're cute shush.
time to be the guy that starts masturbating instead. then we can see her fml in a month.
have you tried NOT putting roofies in her drinks before you give them to her?
hahaha maybe ur dick is just really small nd she cnt feel it!!
or he could just wake her up next time
lol yup gusta.
Thats called necrophilia dude.
Or chloroform, you sick bastard.
it's not weird if it's still warm
you killed her you jerk!!
no, he is so good she doesnta have to do anything
hahaha lol ^^
Or he just sucks... Zing?
sound like a candy ass
I didn't realize being 14 years old ment something bad
lmao! no really!!!! can't help but state the obvious eh?
lol 64 is speaking from experience
I love how people fight on FML...
maybe she needs to take the **** out of her mouth and stop hinting by TALKING THROUGH HER NOISE HOLE
Maybe tell her you want to switch it up and try a different position? Get her more involved. Sex takes two people
stick a random finger or 2 in her ass if she doesnt make a noise after that then she's a wierdo o.o
Two in the pink and one in the stink, that's called the shocker! you can do it in the bathroom or do it in your car or do it in the ally right behind the bar! Two in the pink and one in the stink, give her the shocker!
what is wrong with you?
She doesn't like your moves in bed, my friend. I suggest you talk to her about it and ask her to be honest and tell you what she likes and wants. She doesn't want to fake it anymore but is too timid to tell you why. Try different things. Watch how she reacts.
Or, you sit her down and ask, " What do you like? What do you want me to do?" If you make it clear you want to satisfy her and want her to enjoy it as much as you do, chances are she will open up and tell you. Just talk to your gf.
Smart man :)
well maybe u need to change something? or u simply just suck
I dub thee corpse ******
Try deflating her and then blowing her back up. :)