By Anonymous - 24/12/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I found out my mom is getting rid of cable TV. My dad and I bought her a 700 dollar plasma screen TV for Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 746
You deserved it 3 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sargasm 4

Too bad you can only watch cable TV on a $700 plasma screen TV. Wouldn't it be great if you could use some form of external device, like a DVD or Blu-ray player, to watch movies on it? It would also be nice if you could subscribe to some form of service, like Netflix, that delivered those movies to your house. Alas, you definitely can't do any of that with a $700 plasma screen TV. Just go ahead and return it; it's completely useless now.

Yeah right you guys just wanted to justify buying it for yourselves.


and your mom made this decision secretly without telling your dad that she's getting rid of cable? and wow big deal, you'll still get regular channels as well as have a dvd player. not fml worthy at all..

Oh well. You can still watch movies on it.

CyclonePsycho 1

Eh, return it and get her a book then.

that's a cheap plasma, it probably sucks

you can still watch movies. and what do you care its not YOUR tv. she can do whatever she wants withit.

theblazian 0

You don't get it.... sure it was a tv for her... but it wasn't HER tv if you catch my drift. Just imagine that it was her sports-team loving husband buying her season tickets for his favorite team.

St0rm11 0

YDI. Obviously you must have known she wasn't into watching TV. I hope she pawns it, keeps most the money, and buys you coal with the rest.

shadexilmaendu 4

Pawns it and keeps most of the money... That'd give her what, 50 bucks or so? XD pawn shops are a massive ripoff. They generally don't even give you half the value of what you're selling.

lara522 0

eh. you can use a tv for other things besides cable.

She must really enjoy her FOX TV. Hire her a good shrink instead.

hbk2369 0

1. you can return it (unless you opened it or shop at bad stores) 2. Get an antenna 3. DVDs, Downloaded movies, etc. Not the end of the world. Or you know, maybe you can just get a dish now.

Wow. How is this a FML? Just because she's getting rid of cable doesn't mean you can never make the call to get your cable back. :/