By Anonymous - 24/12/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I found out my mom is getting rid of cable TV. My dad and I bought her a 700 dollar plasma screen TV for Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 749
You deserved it 3 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sargasm 4

Too bad you can only watch cable TV on a $700 plasma screen TV. Wouldn't it be great if you could use some form of external device, like a DVD or Blu-ray player, to watch movies on it? It would also be nice if you could subscribe to some form of service, like Netflix, that delivered those movies to your house. Alas, you definitely can't do any of that with a $700 plasma screen TV. Just go ahead and return it; it's completely useless now.

Yeah right you guys just wanted to justify buying it for yourselves.


I guess it's too late to return it and get her a bathrobe instead.

startafire 0

Did the rent at the trailer park go up too much to afford both?

acertijo 0

and maybe if she changes her mind and doesn't get rid of it? ;E

ydi for buying plasma. you'll be doing it again in a few years.

that's 200 more then my family uses on everyone in ours.

Cable is not the only thing you can watch on TVs.

gigi2009 0

uhhh you do realise that there is tv without cable tv, right???

YDI for thinking that you should watch cable TV on a large TV. Seriously, what the **** is wrong with you? Don't you have access to that magical technology called THE INTERNET?