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By kennedygeeee - 08/09/2009 02:28 - United States

Today, I found out my mom was getting remarried, to my dad. He's been in prison for five years because he pushed her out a window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 293
You deserved it 2 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

imblue 0

So she fell for him all over again? Zing!


talk to her, tell her how you feel......perhaps he's changed......

LaytonexLuke 0

Yikes, let's hope he changed kerrygirl! That'd be a horrible thing to repeat... ------ VLOG WIN =

Josher47 0

No, There is no excuse ever for striking your wife/girlfriend. He is scum and your mom is going back to him for the same reason that women return to their abusive boyfriends. Psychologically they want to feel needed and even by getting abused the apologizing afterwards makes them feel better.

americayay 0

Agreed 51. However, F your mom's life, OP. She's got some major issues.

for all you know he threw her out a window because she attacked him with a knife, stole all is money and was cheating on him with his dad. im not condoning violence against women, just saying that you dont know what was going on and lol at the fact that you said its not ok to hit youre wife/girlfriend, instead of just spouse guess its ok for women to hit men?

59, if that were true, why would OP be complaining? Instead, the FML would be "Today, my mother and father are getting back together. He's in jail for pushing her out a window while defending himself from her. She tried to stab him. FML." 51 has it exactly right. Actually, there's evidence that (repeated) sexual intercourse dramatically increases the amount of trust and yearning and such for the partner. Since OP exists, I'd say they probably had enough sessions to brainwash OP's mother right back into daddy's arms. Then of course, there's also those who feel too weak to do anything for themselves or think they're useless anyway so it doesn't matter, but that's not OP's mom's case since she HAS a chance to be rid of him and chooses not to act on it.

just because the OP didnt explain his life story in the FML doesnt mean what he posted is exactly and only what happened lol thats all im saying

If it were true, the OP would have pointed it out, though, is what I'm saying. After all, that makes it a bigger FML, and would show her father was actually innocent. Why make your dad look like a dick with something like this if it's not true?

CDS09 0

51 and 68 are right. We went over something like this is my psych class. Many abused women reason that the man hits them because he cares, and if he didnt care he wouldnt hit them. Its messed up. FYL. Honestly, the best thing that can happen is your dad can shop lift or do something stupid that lands him in jail before he can do something stupid AND VIOLENT that would land him in jail.

the_stereotype 0

i hope he's either changed or i really really hope that this FML is fake


a window?!?!? he is crazy!!

Maybe 5 year has changed him. Then again, why was your mom pushed in the first place?

no1askdu 5

she prolly didnt make him a sandwitch and he got mad. and push her out the window.

manyourlifesucks 0

Do you like dumb asses? No i dont like dumb asses!

You know, if he's been in prison for five years, you would think he'd be marrying a guy....

jessicadawg 0

If mom can only get a guy that's been in prison for 5 yrs, I'm thinkin she 'bout looks like a guy.

littlemisslee 0

"...Against all odds, against the grain, Love finds a way: some people change..."

"...Here I stand With everything to lose And all I know is I don't want to ever see the end Baby please, I'm reaching out for you Won't you open up your heart and let me come back in Let's be us again..." "Well, lets see, you pushed me out a window and i just about died, and the children want you dead. Sure!!!"

(X) Achievement unlocked: Intoxicunt's Approval BTW, the (X) is supposed to be the xbox symbol

Lmfao. That's cute. You had my approval all along because I like the overall idea. This is just the best, funniest, most fitting set of lyrics you've used yet. :)

Haha, i didnt think that you would approve, due to the fact that it is country:P

No, it's not. This one and the nude pic FML are ******* up ROYALLY. Try to cipher it all out though. Yeah, I liked the Rise Against. Still locked, though. :D

Haha, I had an epic comment on that one. The lyrics were meh But i have another comment farther down

katherinebby17 28

thats horrible why would she do that

**** her life, rather than yours. Actually, SDI.

whyowhy26 3

i hope you've moved to the ground floor =D

Carbonkid 0

This can only happen in the south....

**** you - I'm from the south.. and it happens everywhere DA

manyourlifesucks 0

The hell does north and south have to do with this?