By Kaibel - 21/05/2016 21:39 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I found out my parents have been slipping birth control pills into my morning orange juice since I was 13. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 866
You deserved it 1 823

Kaibel tells us more.

Hey guys, OP here! Let me give you guys a little back story on the situation: I found out about this because I went on holiday with my best friend, which meant I would be leaving home for the first time WITHOUT my parents ever. On the sixth day, my face broke out horribly and I was feeling very nauseas. When my parents called to check up on me (since I was away in another state) I told them I had been feeling sick all day. One thing led to another, and they eventually confessed what they have been doing all these years (I'm 17 now). My reaction? Yeah, I was pretty pissed off. I hung up on my parents and literally threw my phone against the bed. The sad thing is, when I get really mad I cry, so there were a lot of tears involved as well. I've never had a real boyfriend or anything like that, so I have no idea why they did this. I'm going to see a doctor once I get back home, but until then, I'm going to ignore the calls and texts my parents send me. Thank you guys for all the support c':

Top comments

Are they completely insane? Birth control can be dangerous, with many side-effects, it's the kind of thing you absolutely have to check with a doctor (for the dosage, number of days a month you take it, aftercare, etc). They're out of their minds. Plus, what if you already were taking it in secret? It'd be double dose!

Insane parents! With all side effects that is very dangerous to play with the hormone levels of a 13 year old! Back in the 80ies one of my classmates unfortunately had unsubscribed hormonal medicine given to her at around age of 15 and her brain couldn't handle it, she ended her life (already, while most of the classmates enjoy their lives fully) in mental clinic (sorry if the place is politically correctly called different, English is not my native language, but I hope you get the idea).


The doctor is probably in on it. You can't get birth control pills over the counter. Under the age of 18 the parents are in control of their child, like it or not. I know of a mother who made her 16 year old get the 3 year inpatient birth control.

There are also other seriously disturbing possibilities. What if the mother claimed the pills were for her, so the doctor prescribed a kind suitable for middle-aged woman who has given birth? And mom just kept mixing the medication intended for her to OP's drink? They could have crippled OP for life. And while parents are in control, a teenager should be aware of all medications concerning them.

I am pretty sure, that at least in the UK, parents can never force thier children to get an implant or take birth control no matter what age they are.

OnlySkyrimStays 11

Actually, until the age of 18, a parent can force their child to get the implant or shot or any kind of contraceptive like that. That doesn't make what the parents did in this situation right though.

yes they can. before you're 16, your parents are in charge of your health. I studied this.

Doesn't this in some way count as assault? Jesus this is abuse at the very least. I understand the parents' concern but in this case their need for control has led them to violate their own child's free will. How do you expect your kid to feel safe and secure when you've destroyed any trust they might have in you, and now, in people in general. Bang up job mom and dad. **** you.

redlizzybeth 25

This does count as medical child abuse. At that age it is inappropriate to give anyone medication that they are unaware of. I have given my son meds in juice but he was two at the time and would freak out at the idea of medicine. The medicine I gave him was fiber powder. After he was four or five I would tell him and just make him take it.

Please go to a doctor and get a check up and let the doctor know what has been happening. I just can't wrap my head around parents being so irresponsible.

Considering you have to be examined by a doctor to be prescribed those I find this extremely unlikely. Unless the pills were prescribed to someone else and your parents are using them for you instead. Sorry OP your parents need some major help.

The mother could easily have been attending the appointments, pretending they're for her in order to get the prescription.

Am I the only one who is on the side of the parents? For all any of you know one of them is a doctor and was carefully watching the dosage. Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions based on a minimum amount of information.

Birth control can do horrible things to your mood and teenagers can be very secretive, I know I took great (successful) measures to hide my depression when I was a teenager. It's not just weight gain, blood pressure and acne they'd have to look out for, sometimes you need to hear straight from the patient themselves what they've noticed since starting a new medication.

And if op had started taking BC secretively?? They should've talked to her about wanting her to take it if they were so concerned l

Leviathene 34

Oh please #29. It is NEVER ok to give someone pills without their knowledge. So what if OP goes to the doctor without the parents present, and is asked the standard question "Are you currently on any medication?" What happens if the medication the parents gave to OP reacts badly to prescribed medications? What if OP's parent(s) aren't doctors at all? Children need to be able to trust their parents. Regardless of OP's age at the time, and now, this isn't right.

even under doctor care some forms of birth control can really mess with your body and **** up the way you produce hormones. I highly recommend that you get off it so your body can readjust to being with out it. also probably the first sign with the birth control is she didn't get a period at all its not like we are talking about a 16 year old we are talking about someone who is 13 and has started a medication that she may not want in her body because of its side affects. she had no talk or choice it seems plus even if it was dosed for her acidic drinks can double your dose of some medications. I feel so bad for you OP I hope it gets delt with and something is done about this matter!

Just to add a note - there is some birth control that only regulates one's period, and doesn't completely stop it. The parents may have opted for this, so OP could have still had regular periods, leaving no real hints for her.

Again, loving and responsible parents TALK with their daughters about contraception and do not secretly dose her with pills without her knowledge and consent.

Has it effected you adversely? How did you find out?

But this isn't just micromanagement - this honestly sounds like abuse. No matter what age OP is I think they should go to a doctor, explain what happened and let the doctor decide whether it is appropriate to talk to various services. Or phone a helpline OP, know your rights, talk to someone about how you feel, and remember that the parents may have been doing this elsewhere and prescribing you other things without you realising or controlling your life in other ways. Make sure you speak to services if possible and are able to get away if you need to.

Also if OP has now been on this pill for several years it could be the dosage should have been being reviewed and wasn't.

Hypothetical twist: OP had her first child at around her thirteenth birthday. After the grand baby was born, the parents started giving their moody, teen daughter birth control to prevent a repeat performance. *not a justification. Just another "what if?". As Doctor House says, "Everyone lies."

Dr. house is a character on a TV show. and even if she had popped out quintuplets at age 13 it does NOT give anyone a right to drug her without her knowledge and approval.