By thedeerman - 17/09/2011 04:39 - United States

Today, I found out my wife and three daughters all have their period on seperate weeks. I now have no break from yelling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 350
You deserved it 5 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Yes, PMS-ing hurts (you're bloated, horribly cramped, hungry, you go from out of control horny to clinically depressed 20 times a day and it's often paired with leg and backcramps - suuuucks! -). I have very severe PMS/menstruation but that is NO excuse to being a bitch. Actually, a lot of women don't get PMS, they just use it as an excuse to behave like a total bitch and somehow justify it.

Looks like Jeff Dunham was wrong. The biological clocks never synchronized! P.S sorry that all those times you aimed for a son you ended up with bitchy daughters. Girls are just awful when they're teens.

don't worry they will soon start having them all in the same week

IMHO, I think you're lying through your teeth. Women who live together long enough sync up.

u should just ditch whoever is on their period and go have some fun with the other two

fear not. soon their vajayjays will sync like wireless routers and all the yelling will be concentrated in one, hellish, soul destroying week. isn't biology fun?

Your not a girl so you don't understand these female thing ! But I do agree that must be torture!!! Good Luck