By thedeerman - 17/09/2011 04:39 - United States

Today, I found out my wife and three daughters all have their period on seperate weeks. I now have no break from yelling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 350
You deserved it 5 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I think the actual fml is he has 3 daughters

:( so sorry to hear... That's how my dad had it years ago... It gets better

ED35 7

Don't worry. Like Jeff Dunham says with his puppet Walter. Soon their periods will synchronize and it will be one week of legit hell.

They shouldnt if u all live together... And if u don't then u have nothing to worry about

Their periods might not be in sync if some of them are on the pill (very possible) or if they really spend very little time together (not that likely).

sexxme 9

Stock your pantry up with chocolate and motrin! Wish you the best of luck.

Think about how they feel & why they're acting like that in the first place. If you went through the same thing girls do you would be in a bitchy mood too!