By Anonymous - 16/06/2011 20:55 - United States

Today, I found out that I was one point away from passing a state science exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 661
You deserved it 11 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you have a sideways picture of a girl with fake pink hair? Because it's your picture, therefore your decision. :) Just like his picture is his decision. Not tryin' to be mean, just pointing out the obvious.


642_fml 0

It happens to all of use sometimes

kc1997kc 9

That sucks! The science tests are really hard in Florida. Better luck next time!

perdix 29

If it's any consolation, you would have failed by 20-30 points in a state with average intelligence. They don't call it Flori-duh for nothing! ;)

you knew even in your gut you should have chosen "C" on number 56. it's always "C"! now look at you...

MexicanTexasQtt 9

I have one word for you and that is STUDY!

omg I need to take my PCATS soon and I'm terrified of that! good luck next time! :/

Dude thats hilarious, I got above average on my state exams. Good times. Good times...

try harder next time, practice makes perfect