By LG - 17/03/2010 04:18 - United States

Today, I found out that I will be spending my spring break alone because my family is going to France. I can't go with them nor go with any of my friends because I have to take care of the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 666
You deserved it 4 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

neopoliandreams 0

just get your neighbor to feed it.


Food, water, litter box - that's a cats life. It doesn't require a human! How blond are you?? Cats are like lighters! They are disposable!

ruby84 1

So- suck it up and stay with your cat OOOR pay small fee to one of your friends who you trust to babysit the cat while you go on vacation- problem solved- now stop wasting our time

hijueputa 0

OP, WTF?!! are you adopted? if not you must have done something pretty f****ed up for your family to do this. Or maybe you lie....

xCaseyx 0

= Good luck. At least you have company.

voveraite 7

The family is effed up for sure (unless OP leaves out some "unimportant" details). But kill/dispose of the cat? Too many answers above like this. What if it was a dog? Still the same? I guess not. Cats are not disposable, but they do find their way around without humans much easier than dogs. So why not cattery, or leaving it with someone who would take care of it? But perhaps your family doesn't enjoy your presence for some reason...

I agree.....It probably has nothing to do with the cat. They just don't want to deal with you on their vacation. What are you not telling us?

QueenDani 0

that is so fukked upp especially bcuz, i hate catz... :P

Drumming1997 0

Your family sounds like a bunch of morons. Leaving ONE person to care for an animal? AND if this is one of thouse "But Mr.Mittons is part of the FAMILY" Things, then they should TAKE him. Is the CAT more important than YOU?

I'd kill the ******' cat at that point. Anti-freeze I heard works wondering with that too.