By Anonymous - 22/12/2010 07:54 - United States

Today, I found out that if I try to resist a 70 pound bulldog that's humping my leg, I will end up with stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 243
You deserved it 3 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Battledog5006 0
btnhdude 0

you're in an abusive relationship lady.


welderchick87 0

If it's an English Bulldog (short stubby ones) then you're full of shit. Those things don't get above 60 pounds...unless you only feed that poor thing people food. As for the humping, chop it's balls off and it shouldn't do it anymore. Also....train it. It's not difficult.

chop off its balls? why dont we chop off YOUR balls (or ovaries, whatever the case may be...) and see how you like it >.>

dannnngthatsux 19

One, dogs vary, I had a pure blood Doberman weigh 90lbs, they're supposed to be 70. Two, what did dogs eat before dog food companies existed? Three, chop and balls should never be said in the same sentence. Maybe removed. Four, who said it was their dog? Finally, even castrated dogs hump. Either domination or it still feels good.

That what happens when you don't practice safe sex

Dez31396 0

si next time let him finish it kick him in the face

spd2fst4u 5
Igor_g5 0

You should have dropped your pants, got on your hands and knees and let him have a good time.

Bitches get stiches (get it? its a play on words because bitches are female dogs...) not funny? Meh. what evs

czalc 0

Even Bulldogs need love. Stop discriminating!

crystalhendricks 6

Omg ikr mine do that to me to!