By Lasko - 12/08/2009 19:37 - United States

Today, I found out that just because you collapse from dehydration on the sidewalk, it doesn't mean people are going to stop driving to see if you're okay, even if they saw you fall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 214
You deserved it 6 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Twidragon1000 0

Well someone helped you, because you got online. Now I hope nothing serious happened, and your all right.


rainbowchelle 0
girlwhoactshigh 0

well you should have drank aqua you foolish person anyhow people dont care about faint or colapseing ok? No one ever really cares and never expect people to help you. thats just life ^^ but some people might have cared but you just colapsed not that bad if you got hit by a car people would be flocking to help......maybe.....i think i should just shut up now....

candygrl122 0

I live right by tampa florida so im only 1 and a half hours from orlando which if u have been to disney world u know it is extremly hot in summa, i nvr been dehydrated enough to collapse, but still it sucks no one stopped to even look

i live in Orlando. the heat is horrifying.

Too bad you live in a state full of gun-crazy "good law-abiding Christians" only when they're in church but could give a rat's ass if you lived or died unless you're a white and/or a relative . If you're black or Mexican, you're shit outta luck. Texans fit the "ugly American" stereotype to a tee. Don't get me started on Bush. That's another diatribe altogether.

acd23 0

Also, some people might think that just because they aren't thirsty, they are hydrated. So maybe they had something to drink a few hours before, and then been too distracted to really focus on how much they might have needed to really hydrate themselves.

letitbe56 0

No one is saying soda dehydrates you. We're just saying it's not as good as water. Also, caffeine does dehydrate you. So any hydrating power that something like Coke might have is effectively canceled out.

I'm sorry but people just are not as nice as they should be. Especially the assholes that say YDI

Wow... Some People Suck... who wouldnt help someone passed out on the sidewalk?

No, sorry. One person wrote that you needed to have a water to offset the effect of a soda. That is mistaken. Secondly the amount of caffeine in a soda will not go anywhere near offsetting the effect of the water in it. They are mostly water. Soda can keep you perfectly hydrated