By Lasko - 12/08/2009 19:37 - United States

Today, I found out that just because you collapse from dehydration on the sidewalk, it doesn't mean people are going to stop driving to see if you're okay, even if they saw you fall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 214
You deserved it 6 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Twidragon1000 0

Well someone helped you, because you got online. Now I hope nothing serious happened, and your all right.


I signed up for an FML account just to post a comment on this FML. The people who commented on this are ignorant and rude. For all the posters who said the OP was a "he", yeah, learn to read. The OP was a woman. And it's Texas. Texas is hotter than hell. Dehydration happens. Glad you're okay honey. Sorry no one helped you. :) b*tches be crazy!

Duh, I could have told you this. It's easier for people to look away and pretend they never noticed, than to stop and help. It's cruel, I know, but thats how it is.

the **** were you doing anyway? so little context just sounds like you just suddenly realized you were thirsty and then collapsed. not very convincing on your part.

I love how people are so judgemental. No one is perfect and there are a million reasons as to why someone may forget to drink water or rehydrate. Besides who really knows the why other than the OP. I bet everyone here at one time or another didn't enough water and didn't even realize it, or maybe drank the wrong thing thinking it would rehydrate them. The biggest shame though is that there are really so few people who are willing to take the few minutes necessary to help someone in need that way. It really only shows how badly our society has degraded into a 'me, me, me' society. I bet that if this had happened to any of you (because face it you are NOT perfect no matter what anyone else tells you) you would have wanted some person to help you out. FYL though OP that no one had the time to help you.

What's worse is you know most of those ******* had cell phones.

Jackadi 0

When I was 6yrs old, I fell off my scooter and sat on the road crying. The neighbor who lived on the same street as me, knew my family, and who's kid often played with our pet dog because she wouldn't let him have one saw me. She was 10 feet away at most. She continued to water her lawn and stare. People are mean, I don't expect much from them anymore.

The respondents all mistaken. Drinking a soda does not dehydrate you. It is just not as good as regular water

deaditegirl 0

YDI for not staying hydrated. And for being from Texas.

Depends where you are... I live in NYC, and was leaving my office when I saw someone on the ground. He was surrounded by people, one of whom had put him into the recovery position, another of whom was waving down an ambulance, several standing around to make sure the person was alright. Brought a tear to my eye. In an interesting aside, psychologists have determined through experiments that people are far more likely to help out if they see someone else intervene first.

Where did you collapse? What street? Was it busy? Do you drive a car? You see, by the time a driver sees that you are falling or that you've fallen, that driver is RIGHT THERE, passing you by already. And if there are other cars behind, or if it's a very busy street, then stopping the car means potentially causing an accident. Also, when there are many other cars on the road, the person who sees you is more likely to assume someone behind them will stop if you're still there 10 seconds from now.