By okseñoryoucrazy - 02/02/2015 00:43 - United States - Tacoma

Today, I found out that my 2-year-old brother is afraid of his own penis. Whenever he doesn't have a diaper on, he screams, cries and yells, "Ew". FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 060
You deserved it 2 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To be fair they are scary, I mean it can make people

colton_colton 50

It's better than him peeing on everything or something


martin8337 35

Hopefully he's not one of them girl/woman trapped in a boy's/man's body.

brendejafulable 41
codytallica 38

I don't see a FML here. He is a 2 year old kid! Eventually he will learn its normal.

That's so adorable !! But he's right to be afraid of that thing they go off and shoot some strange liquid that could damage your eye

CaroAurelia 12

I'd keep an eye on the situation. Everyone here's like "he'll grow out of it eventually" but what if he has gender identity disorder (i.e. transgender)? I'm no psychologist and I'm not sure that's enough to make a diagnosis, but the clues usually manifest themselves pretty early in childhood. If he is, or whatever he turns out to be, I hope you and the rest of your family accept him, because girl or boy or none of the above, he's still your family.

Merylwen 24

You really are seeing too much into it. A two year old isn't even aware that his penis is part of him being a boy and not a girl.

Room full of mirrors Nah, that's evil.

Badkarma4u 17

Don't let him near Omegle or Chat Roulette

chocolatefrog28 29

To be fair, there are a lot of adult men that should react the same way when they see theirs too.