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By WOCOACH - 09/09/2009 19:33 - United States

Today, I woke up to my 8 month old son happy as can be. I could hear him laughing over the monitor. When I walked into the room, he had somehow got his diaper off and was holding onto his new found penis. He thought it was hysterical when it went off and shot urine everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 906
You deserved it 5 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, how it shot from his member like a geyser from the earth Covering the room with the bittersweet aroma of piss The drip on the walls, it running down his balls Oh the majestic beauty, splendor precipitating

lol he painted the room yellow, a perfect baby color.


lol he painted the room yellow, a perfect baby color.

How do we know it was yellow? Maybe she said urine only because she was too ashamed to say it was actually the thick, gray one.

The kid is 8 months old... you can't be serious #34...

ChelseaAnn08 0

How is this unbelieveable? Babies that age start discovering their genitals, and figure out that it is more fun to play with their genitalia versus their fingers or toes. It's a natural thing. Every child does this.

A genius kid started talking at 6 months, #40, and some grow faster than others, so...

ah, the moment when a young man discovers his penis.

egao, it's impossible for semen to be developed at six months It's a lot different from learning to talk, it has nothing to do with mental development.

Today, i found out that my baby is capable of urination. FML

no 40 was talking about 34 who said it was semen which is sorta unbelievable god people read before you say something

it might be possible have semen at 8mths. A young girl of 5mths had her first period. there has always been and will always have anomalies.

#125. No, she didn't. That's physically impossible.

Oh, how it shot from his member like a geyser from the earth Covering the room with the bittersweet aroma of piss The drip on the walls, it running down his balls Oh the majestic beauty, splendor precipitating

KBear816 0

lol wow. That reminds me of my little brother who used to run around and try to pee on my friends when he discovered his...

ive had an experience like that with one of my younger brothers xD

Don't worry, thats totally normal behavior for little boys.

Sixth! Moving up! Hahaha. Fire Fire! I'll put it out! Edit: Hey u stole my glory bitch!

fretforyerlatte 0
haha_lmao_rofl 0

oh get over it. that is so not a FML situation. some ppl on here actually post getting caught trying to suck their own dicks. so yeah, you'll live

Chaith 16 Well, now you have!

So out of THEIR OWN FAULT they try and suck their dick. While the people who are at no fault of their own have to clean up the pee of a baby that is all over the room. How is this not an FML?

gigi37 0

Because it's a baby; that's what they do and that's what parents should expect.

Urine all over the walls and furniture etc.? Seriously, from the experience with my two little brothers, I would not expect that. It's not as common as you seem to think.

oh no someone let their anger out and made other people laugh! CALL THE ******* COPS!