By holdengurl18 - 21/06/2011 04:46 - China

Today, I found out that my boyfriend is extremely jealous of a stuffed toy that sits on my bed, all because it gets to 'sleep in the same bed as me and he doesn't.' Now, whenever he comes over, he throws it at the wall, death glares at it, then gets up and kicks it under my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 829
You deserved it 13 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is your boyfriend two years old? What a dumbass. Try dating someone who acts like an adult.

MrBoredGuy 1


emeraldchicky 0

Awe!! Your boyfriend's cute. :3

Chrispayne 4

Dump hook if he is is that childish

sappy0 5

if he's playing around, then enjoy the laugh (& make sure it's short-lived.) but if it's a mental issue, get the hell out before things get outta hand. think of it this way, the longer you stay with a mentally challenged guy of that degree, the more you risk possibly getting pregnant by him... you're complaining today of a stuffed animal. don't become a news headliner in a year or so with "deranged jealous father drop-kicks infant under the bed!"

Sammy003 0

my boyfriend does the same thing. ha. ironically enough, he gave me the stuffed animal.

Aww, if he's joking then I think that's really cute. If not... fyl

if ur really in china and ur bf is chinese then that's hot. xD

MacyPompeo1 0

I'm I would dumb his 2year old ass & tell him he should see a doctor or shrink for help too

MiniSerendity 1