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By StillBetterThanTwilight - 28/08/2012 15:56 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, my boyfriend told me that he had once been possessed by demons, and that he now sleeps with a knife under his pillow for protection from, "The dark spirits that are feasting upon his soul." I'm not sure that I'll be sleeping over anytime soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 591
You deserved it 2 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope he doesn't twitch in his sleep. Also he's an idiot who will probably end up stabbing himself and you (if you're staying over).


I hope he doesn't twitch in his sleep. Also he's an idiot who will probably end up stabbing himself and you (if you're staying over).

Imagine if Op's boyfriend does get possessed; the only thing I can think of is the first Exorcist movie. Op: "Babe are you okay?" Boyfriend: "Ahhhh **** ME **** ME **** ME!!"

Darkmagic666 9

Yay! Someone else watches Supernatural!!!

38 did you think they were producing the show purely for you?

movealongnow 1

Sounds like you won't just be stabbed if you sleep over. I'd avoid that impending disaster altogether.

Sounds like they need to call Ghost Adventures team and let them check it out

Sounds like they need to call Ghost Adventures team and let them check it out

KommanderKush420 5

He's a pyscho. Run. Run as fast as you can

syley 5

Anyone else read op's name? No? Well maybe you should, it'll give you a good laugh

^ I bet if Kristen Stewart had emotions, she'd be jealous.

wiggleyeah 3

I dunno, that knife from the Golden Compass (books, not the movie) could **** a demon up pretty bad...

How the **** is a knife going to protect him from a demon!? **** that noise! Your only excuse for staying would be wanting to get stabbed.

Maybe you (I) can't happen, specially when "it" comes to spelling.

Supernovas_Child 13

Well #33, you could probably get a lot better protection from evil spirits, because they're not corporeal beings.

Run high, run wild, run free, run like bad food through a mischievous wombat! Just run!

What a smart man, you never know when there going get yahh,

It's not a bad idea to end it. He sounds crazy

I'm just lucky Enough that my dark spirits give me a months notice before they attack me, plus I think they are just a bit slow, one gets pushed around in a wheel chair, while the other one has a limp wrist, and mumbles.

"I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha one way, or another..."

mbusey 20

Thanks 68, now that song is stuck in my head

It's stuck in mine to I'm singing it out loud right now

Just remind him that you've got a gun just in case the zombies attack

IDontKnow10101 14

How is a knife going to stop the demons from repossessing him, or in this case, feeding on his soul....

TheDrifter 23

Silly sleeping mortals, thinking a knife will protect them as they snore away.

easyprey 8

Unless the knife is for her so she can stab him when he gets possessed

fishergirl34 3

I was wondering the same thing.

Shadow_Phantom 26

I think the fact that "demons don't possess people or feed on souls" will keep them from doing anything.

75 - love your profile pic but don't agree with your comment.

If I were you, I'd probably try to get out of that one as soon as possible.

Better safe than sorry, better safe than sorry, better safe than sorry.

How will a knife help, how will a knife help, how will a knife help?

AphyTheBronette 15

Would of been better to carry a cross and bible,Would of been better to carry a cross and bible,Would of been better to carry a cross and bible.

Oh. I read "better safe than sorry" as OP should get away from him.

Am I the only one who thinks this is a Left 4 Dead reference from the guy in the church who keeps saying this and gets the horde after you?

That was what I was referencing too xD

beddington 7