By Anonymous - 18/11/2010 01:42 - United States

Today, I found out that my boyfriend likes to show his female co-workers his dick, by emailing them pictures of it. I found out when he included my email address in with theirs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 924
You deserved it 3 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can you say "fired for sexual harassment"? Drop him, there is nothing good that can cone from this.


Awesome, a pic of my boyfriends dick! Let's send a reply. "Hey honey, thanks for the pic. Nice use of perspective to make it seem bigger. And glad to see the herpes cream finally seems be working." Hey, what does this 'Reply To All' checkbox do I wonder....?

ninjanate 0

where's the bret favre jokes?

LiaLovesUu06 0

way to go you have a keeper !

Robothing10 0

good point. I sure hope the answer is yes to this.

This guy has problems. It's sexual harassment and thanks to idiot boy providing proof of his stupidity, he can be fired on the spot. Not only that but sexual harassment is considered a criminal act... again your boy has provided proof. Most of the time the person loses their job and he gets sued. If the company tries to protect him, they get sued too and that is usually as far as it goes. But, your "man" just had to be special and could end up with a criminal record. Dump him and move on, you definitely do not need him or the drama.

^ Exactly!!! people are becoming so reckless nowadays.. You should find another guy who has some common sense

Omg!! dose he know u know yet!! u should cut it off!! dirty little prick!!

holy shit what an ass you should break up with him over the email and include all of the people in the email! lol

DomoLaDii 8