By Trey - 19/11/2011 01:58 - United States

Today, I brought my girlfriend over to her first dinner with my family. My gramps spent the entire dinner telling my girlfriend how the Illuminati are plotting to take over the world and use microchips to control everyone. So much for being taken seriously now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 524
You deserved it 3 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the Illuminati are gonna take over, at least your grandpa will be the most prepared.

Listen to grandpa he is old and wise. You'll be sorry when that shit happens and you didn't take him seriously. And in any case, this shouldn't affect her opinion of YOU personally...


Chips? Chips are nice, won't speak about the microchips though.

GuitarFail123 9

huh? im lost... is she talking bout potato chips or microchips in this comment?

btnhdude 0

She's Screwieng with your head! She's one of them!

#1: you're not funny..whatever joke you were trying to make fell horribly flat.

You can't eat microchips, unless you're a robot. That makes me sad.

GuitarFail123 9

Why was OP worried about taken seriously in the first place? There lies your real FML...

13FTW 9

18, please enlighten us. I think me as well as the rest of the FML community are still completely mind ****** by the original joke. If you can even call it a "joke."

No, 58, I think she was talking about what you call crisps, but the rest of the world calls chips... Still not a funny comment though :/

Tell her gramps has dementia. I believe it and I wasn't even there.

When he is ready for the attack and you arent, you will be sorry for this comment.

If the Illuminati are gonna take over, at least your grandpa will be the most prepared.

pie29302930 0

His names actually Woody. Not Tom Hanks. Buzz Lightyear will be there too. With those little green alien things from Pizza Planet! Wait, wrong movie.....

No he wont. We'd like to publicly announce that we gave up on the whole 'rule the world' thing; now we just have Trivia Pursuit every Friday. People aren't interested in sponsoring global takeovers anymore.

Alexisthebestest 16

The illuminati collapsed 225 years ago.

ilikecomments 0

No it didn't 87 go look at a dollar bill

Alexisthebestest 16

The Illuminati was a group that started in Bavaria in 1776, and was disbanded in 1784. Besides, I don't care for all that shit anyway.

NWO666 15

They got disbanded But they still exist

Please use decent spelling and grammar when insulting someone. You really lose effect if you yourself look retarded.

Good thing you saved time by cutting off "yo" and saying **** it to punctuation. Otherwise you wouldn't have gotten the chance to show off your grammatical prowess so close to the top.

maz255 10

No you'RE a loser...loser I will butter you up and slay you, just for the hell of it. I may be mentally insane, but at least I know 1st grade grammar...

maz255 10

Same reason you called op a loser

lolololer 8

that is some pretty scary shit though :O

jacquesromualdez 12

Hey man, relax! It's not the end of the world... yet.

SilverInGray 25

Yeah, that comes after we get taken over.

Bludmagnus 13

Okay... your grandfather is a total loon.

Yeah, that's going to make them feel better. But relax, go with the story he is loosing it, it's easy, he is old. My dad does that, and acts all paranoid about the government, and we live in Canada! plus he isn't even 50 yet!

Fascinating, 34. Absolutely fascinating. I have been DYING to know your life story for some time now. Thanks a bunchies.

34 Shut up, noone cares about your shitty life.

Listen to grandpa he is old and wise. You'll be sorry when that shit happens and you didn't take him seriously. And in any case, this shouldn't affect her opinion of YOU personally...

ilikecomments 0

Well actually if you think about it... Micro chips being implanted in every human being on the planet is extremely unlikely, if you think about the nearly 6 1/2 billion people in the world, not to mention the expenses of the chips. Come on I'm twelve and so far from what I'm aware of, I've got far better logic than most of you.

well you have to account for the 50% that will be killed for refusing to be chipped once the entire human race becomes a giant police state like in 1984