By Biological - 11/02/2010 12:22 - United States
Same thing different taste
By adopted apparently - 23/03/2019 12:00
By Ariella - 29/08/2011 04:06 - Singapore
By Lyn - 06/07/2012 22:14 - France
Truth bomb
By toomuch2process - 06/12/2022 05:00 - United States
By Meghan - 05/09/2020 08:01 - United States - New York
By Kelly - 26/05/2019 20:30
New revelation
By Anonymous - 12/01/2020 18:00
By adopteddd - 28/06/2011 14:30 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 16/04/2017 08:00 - United States - Philadelphia
The truth will always come out
By cmendez - 26/02/2010 05:02 - United States
Top comments
yeah and im sure ur aunt and uncle cousins granparents all played along aswell
wow ur parents are assholes
I have a bridge to sell you
I'm heartless and this made me laugh FYL
:( oh im sorry OP. FYL deff, you should kick their asses in the face. c(;
#125, how is that awesome? Imbecile.
....some non adopted kids also commit suicide.
parenting fail
WTF? That's just disgusting "/ FYL.
Your mum is epic for playing along with it
I'm adopted! and honestly I'm glad I am because it showed me that adoptive parents are crazy!! and it really shouldn't be an FML only because at lease u know ur real parents even though it took u a while to realize that they were. I have no clue I was given up as a baby along with my twin brother and luckily we were adopted together! I have gone thru 9 foster families... so be blessed
it's better then parents telling u they found u in the garbage and felt sorry for u trust me ..
lol agreed
OW. That sucks majorly.
Rofl... idk why but this made me lol!
Me too! That is hilarious! I can see how it happened because kids are impressionable and your mom probably played along when you first asked then forgot all about it. Wrong of them to suggest you call around to the agencies and join the search boards. Downright cruel of them to tell you your biological mom sold you to them for crack.
Ajjas ur a dick
Ajjaso ftw!
Ajjas, he's older than 22. If he's been believing this for 22 years, he's 26 at the youngest. Man up, indeed.
Yeah but it's nothing to cry about over the Internet :'(
ajjos ur amazing, but don't u think that ur on this a little to much? just sayin :) I still <3 u!!!
When I was little, my Dad would continuously tell me growing up that he would sell me to the goat farmer at the Pittsburgh Paints store. for no reason at all. They didn't have enough spare bedrooms in the house for me, so I could just sleep in a doghouse with their pet billygoat. I cried in fear of abandonment everytime we took a drive into the neighboring city.
Please use actual words. This isn't MySpace.
Who knows, it may be a double-bluff.
There are too many questions in your FML.
hahahaha, Your siblings are GENIUSES!

parenting fail
that's terrible I really sorry that a parent would do something like that to a child