By Anonymous - 10/06/2014 03:30 - United States - Crowley

Today, I found out that my boyfriend paid a guy to tell me he was dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 099
You deserved it 6 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well he must not have paid him nearly enough

"It's true. I poked him with a stick."

Everyong who has a live boyfriend please take one step forward. Not so fast there miss, we need to talk.

Happens more often than it should. Hope you have more brains than he does.

workingzombie13 6

Do one better call up his parents let them know how sorry you are for their loss and tell them you're pregnant before they have a chance to ask you anything start crying about how sad it is that your child will never know their father and that you will contact them soon to know the arrangements then hang up. let him explain himself to his mother and father