By Anonymous - 10/06/2014 03:30 - United States - Crowley

Today, I found out that my boyfriend paid a guy to tell me he was dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 087
You deserved it 6 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments


What the **** is wrong with OP so the boyfriend has to fake his own death to get out?

Today, I had to pay someone to tell my girlfriend I was dead in a desperate attempt to be rid of her crazy ass. It didn't work. FML

llamaslikesoda 21

Well shit, that escalated quickly...

did you miss a hint that said he wanted out? I honestly don't know much about relationships though

cjwayy 22

Well, your boyfriend sounds like a ******* brilliant individual who is going places in life. Sorry, OP.

incredared89 2

You're probably a physco bitch and he feared for his life too much to just break up with you...let alone do it in person! Time to do a self-eval!

Sorry, Anon... At least- I got nothin, your life DOES suck.

marieeecc 9

And he's still your boyfriend?

well case has to be decided after seeing your picture :)