By part time all the time - 23/06/2013 04:37 - United States - Bloomfield Hills

Today, I found out that my creepy neighbor paid a guy to install a camera in my bathroom. It's been there for three months. The guy he paid? My brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 394
You deserved it 3 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a perv. And nice brother you have there, OP! Sibling love

That takes creepy to a whole new level. I suggest hitting your brother with a baseball bat.


Shorty777 4

Brothers are supposed to protect their sisters.

Two words: Restraining. Order. For the perv next door AND your brother.

imtooshy 18

I'd for sure report him to the police. You may not be his only victim. As for your brother, show him you can pay people too, if you can't physically do it, pay someone to kick his god damn ass! Your brother is a total ******* jerk.

Medd_fml 13

Your brother doesn't have a shred of dignity.

That's fully messed up, your brother is a ass for doing that.

Siblings are supposed to be loyal, revenge is beautiful

They both need to be reported. The neighbour is a gross creep that should be kept away from other humans and the brother is disgusting. Being OP's brother doesn't entitle him to get away with stuff like that. He was the one who installed the camera. He ALLOWED the creepy neighbour non-consensual access into OP's private life. He deserves punishment for putting his sister at risk. Plus, if you only report the creepy neighbour, chances are your brother is gonna get dragged into it anyway.

perdix 29

You need to confront your brother! Where the hell is your cut of the money?