By Username - 23/06/2011 08:17 - United States

Today, I found out that my dad has been trying to take money out of my savings account to pay for divorce fees and a hammock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 372
You deserved it 2 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That shouldn't be a problem unless its not a good hammock

A7X_LoVeee 10

Damn. I'll never understand how parents can steal from their kids or vice versa for that matter.


It shocks me how many parents mentioned on FML seem to think that it's alright to steal from their kids. The funny bit about the hammock aside, it's really just not appropriate. Parents usually teach their kids not to steal, and they should walk their talk and do what they themselves preach. It sounds as though the father tried and didn't succeed (I hope) but it's still simply a shitty situation.

woahheylex 0

do you atleast get to use the hammock?

That so sucks. Parents should never try to steal from their kids! What is wrong with people these days? Seriously!

KatieOta 0

I never gave my dad my PIN or my password. I am 16. My mom is in charge of that account. My dad cheated on her. That's why they are divorced. My dad is selfish and lazy. He works only when he wants to. He tried getting the money my mom put in my savings account for COLLEGE to pay for the divorce HE caused. And a hammock for him to sit his lazy ass in while he's to selfish to buy his three children lunch, or pencils for school.

KatieOta 0

I never gave my dad my PIN or my password. I am 16. My mom is in charge of that account. My dad cheated on her. That's why they are divorced. My dad is selfish and lazy. He works only when he wants to. He tried getting the money my mom put in my savings account for COLLEGE to pay for the divorce HE caused. And a hammock for him to sit his lazy ass in while he's to selfish to buy his three children lunch, or pencils for school.

KatieOta 0

I never gave my dad my PIN or my password. I am 16. My mom is in charge of that account. My dad cheated on her. That's why they are divorced. My dad is selfish and lazy. He works only when he wants to. He tried getting the money my mom put in my savings account for COLLEGE to pay for the divorce HE caused. And a hammock for him to sit his lazy ass in while he's to selfish to buy his three children lunch, or pencils for school.

hey.. OP.. thanks for the full story.. your dad sounds like a real winner. :( good luck to you and your family., aim high;)

September_fox 2

What a dick. :( I can relate. My parents divorced recently and instead of helping pay for my little brother's living expenses (He hasn't been paying child support) He went and bought an HDTV. I'm glad he didn't get anything out of your account though. FYL for having a shitty father.

Skeletor916 0

Give him some extra money for a six pack. You should be happy to help your parents.

Playful1985 9

You can sue him if he succeeded for identity theft.

if your mom would have been thoughtful and bought your dad a good hammock.. they still be together.. but seriously., who steals from their kids., ugh

September_fox 2

Didn't see OP's post, did you? the prick dad cheated on the mom. I'm pretty sure he is the one that needs to be more thoughtful.