By Anonymous - 04/05/2016 14:15 - United Kingdom - Saint Austell

Today, I found out that my daughter not only has a boyfriend, but that they're trying for a baby. She's barely 15. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 770
You deserved it 2 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeadxManxWalking 27

teach her how it is having a baby, wake her up every two hours at night.

IridianShadow 20

Even better, show her videos of women giving birth. Should make her realize she isn't ready.


Bother her constantly throughout the day. Talk to her about it. Tell her how much it costs financially.

Mortoli 30

yeah time for the big talk with both parents this world is getting crazy with this bs. seriously. wth happened to people waitin till 18 to get some -_-

LegitTorture 18

The baby thing is a problem for sure but the having a boyfriend part is pretty normal at her age

Here's what I think based off of personal experience. I had my son young. He was not planned. Don't get me wrong I would not change the fact I have him for anything. However I would talk to your daughter about what happens when you have a baby. Show her videos of birth. Having a baby in high school is hard. I had to double up on classes because I was on bed rest for the last 4 months of my pregnancy. I would put her on birth control also. Getting one of those babies that schools give you to teach you what a baby is like would be a good idea. I did have someone who watched him while I was in school. As soon as I got home from school I had to take care of him and do my homework. I also had to take care of my little brother on top of all that. Also have your daughter talk to people who had babies at her age. Have her watch someones baby for a few nights and see how that works out for her.

15 is certainly to young. Regardless of the real physical risks associated to her health zone which can be lethal even with the best care. The psychological strain is something many woman a lot older break under. Assuming she has 1 child! Twins or more is chaos. I myself am a recent father, I'm only 22. I didn't have a job and was living at home at the time. Since then I've gotten a job, a house, and everything needed. I had no idea what was actually coming. But it's the greatest thing I've ever done. I'd recommend showing and explaining to her the strain of a child is, both financially, emotionally, physically. Ask her things like, where will you live? Where is your income? Where is your security net? What support so you have? Where is your transportation? Having a child is a hard task. But I promise all the other posters here. It's worth it. Just not at 15...